Fungal Diversity Studies and Species Lists
Citizen Science - Fungal Diversity Studies
FunDiS . Fungal Diversity Survey
Great North American Fungi Quest
North American Mycoflora Project
Colorado Mycoflora Project
Aime Lab 2019 Mycoblitz

Collection and Vouchering Manuals
Making Vouchers of NA Fungi (NAMA)
Collecting and preserving fungi collections (Queensland Herbarium)
NMMS Foray Species Lists
2o22 Foray
2o12 Foray (html)
2oo9 Taos Foray Voucher Collection (odf)
2oo7 Foray (csv)
2oo7 "new" species (csv)
2oo6 Foray (csv)
2oo5 Foray (html)
2oo4 Foray (html)
1998 Foray - All (html)
1998 Foray - Valle Grande (html)
1997 Foray (html)
1996 Foray (html)
Common Species (html)
Jarmie-Rogers Los Alamos Macromycete Diversity Studies . 1991-1995 (pdf)
Species Lists (pdf)

Bills Isaacs' Keys (pdf)
Agaricus Title Page
Agaricus Key Text
Boletus Title Page
Boletus Key Text
Most of the species found in NM
(comma delimited - for importation into database or spreadsheet)
Text file
CSV file

Common NM Mushroom: Helpful Recognition Features Presentation
NAMA Voucher Collection at the Field Museum
dmw . 2o23-o4-18