Information for Attendees of
  2012 Pagosa Springs Foray

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Foray Schedule and Registering at Foray
• The schedule of events for the Foray is close to complete. We will provide a printed copy to participants when they Sign-In at the Foray. The schedule (still labeled "tentative") is available on MycoWest.
• The important thing for now is that Attendees plan to show up at the Pagosa Lodge/Quality Resort between 4 and 7 pm on Thursday, August 23rd. The kick-off meeting is very important this year, and we expect folks to be seated and ready to participate at 7:30 pm.
• If you arrive after 7:30 on Thursday, just come on in and find a seat in the Ponderosa Room, where we'll be holding our meeting. There will be time Sign-In after the meeting.

List of Attendees
• We currently have a list of 71 people who will be attending next week's Foray. To see who else will be there, see the list on MycoWest. NMMS Members should already have the current Username & password to access the directory containing this file. However, Foray Participants (including NMMS members) can use the Username/password (provided in original message). Remember, Usernames and passwords are case-sensitive.

• Optimizing vehicle use is one of this year's Field Trip goals, and we encourage it when traveling to and from the Foray as well. If you have space or would like a ride, please consult the list mentioned above and offer or ask.
• One person requesting a ride is Barbara Hays, who generously hosts our Santa Fe meetings at her community clubhouse. If anyone travelling from or through Santa Fe has an extra seat and some extra space, please contact Barbara and offer her a ride.

• Some Foray participants have asked me about options for camping during the Foray. I have not had time to explore or document these options as well as I had hoped. Nonetheless, if you are interested in Camping, please visit the RV & Camping page. (but maybe not just yet). I plan to add information to this page as soon as I get a chance.

More to Come
• I expect to send another communication prior to the Foray. This will document USFS guidlines and provide some specific information for folks travelling from the Denver area to Pagosa Springs. So stay tuned ...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
David Wallis