NMMS Meeting
Date: Tuesday, 1 April, 2o14
Time: 7:oo - 9:oo pm
Place: New Mexico Museum of Natural History in Albuquerque


  • Terri Wallis will present a program on where and when to find morels in New Mexico. During her talk Terri will provide precise dates and locations for finding these heretofore elusive fungi.
  • Part 2 of Terri's presentation will describe an easy 39-step program on how to train your chupacabra to detect truffles. Editor's Note: Actually the chupacabra hunts down the squirrels, rabbits, deer, and of course goats, who have already discovered and consumed the truffles. We'll leave the rest to your imagination--or better yet, come to next month's meeting!
  • This will be an exciting, informative, (and somewhat graphic) talk, so be sure to get there early so you don't miss any of our April 1st program.
    dmw . 2o14-o3-15