Condition Report
Armijo-Sulphur Canyon Loop

East side of Sandias near Doc Long's
Elev: 7100-7900 ft.
  • 17 March, 2007
  • NMMC Hike 07-039
  • Terri & David Wallis
  • 10% of this route is still under snow, with snowbanks 1 ft or less in depth.
  • The portion of Faulty Trail which drops along the north-facing slope into Cienega Canyon from the south is still snowy, but fairly easy walking and melting quickly.
  • Trails are muddy, and there's a LOT more water flowing than there was a week ago. The part of Armijo Canyon near the crossing of Faulty Trail has moderate flow.
  • As part of this hike, from the junction of Armijo and Faulty Trails, we took the trail which continues up Armijo Canyon to Torro Spring. This trail was completely passable and well worth the small bit of extra time & effort.
  • See last week's Report.


  • The Abert's squirrels were still omnipresent.

    Birds: More feathers, including a freshly harvested flicker.


  • Nothing new since last week.


  • For the next month or more, we would strongly recommend high, waterproof boots. Expect to be walking in melting snow and lots of mud.
  • Hike Description
  • Condition Report from Saturday, March 10th
  • Map (hike route marked in blue, trail to Torro Spring in yellow)
  • 2007 Hikes & Field Trips
    dmw . 2007-03-24