Sandia Snowmelt Hike

- Saturday, 10 April, 2004
- Sulphur Canyon / Cienega Horse Bypass Trail (e side of Sandias)
- 2 miles
- Trip Leaders (& sole participants): David & Terri Wallis

- Arrived WF @ 08:20, left at 08:35
- Loop Hike left from Sulphur Canyon parking lot @ 09:10.
- Walked up Sulphur Canyon to Fault Trail Junction
- Faulty Trail to Cienega Horse Bypass
- Horse Bypass to paved road between Sulphur & Cienega Parking Lots
- Back to parking lot.

This is was about a 2-mile hike with an elevation variance of 500 ft (7200-7700). Trail was completely clear of snow and muddy in a few places. Recent rain & snow made the areas quite moist. Although the weather was wet and windy elsewhere, it was remarkably calm and pleasant during the entire hike.

Mushroomers:  Oak Trees had not begun to bud at this time, but looked as though it would happen soon. One species of interest was some Cryptoporus volvatus (MD 585) growing on a small, dead Ponderosa Pine.
- Next trip will probably be weekend of April 24-25. Check Field Trip Index.

Meeting Place Abbreviations:
WF = Wells Fargo, NW corner of shopping center lot on NE corner of Juan Tabo & Central NE)
SAPLSU = Sulphur Canyon parking lot (just south of Doc Long's) +35.1725-106.377
dmw . 2004-04-11